Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Oh wow, we have definitely hit the "terrible two's" stage, even though she's one month shy of actually being 2. I'm writing this just after the fit she had this morning when I wanted to take a picture of her. I wanted the picture to document that today she put on her shoe all by herself without any help or pressure from me. I just did her hair and she was 100% naked except for the bows (I put the diaper on for the pic). The first thing she did when her hair was done was run to the living room saying "side," which means "outside." What better to do in 40 degree weather than go out naked and play? So she put on her shoe. It might be on the wrong foot, but I'm still really proud.

How did I get the fit to stop? I bribed her with Binky and Nemo (we have almost worn out the $1 rip-off DVD that Tom got in China). Normally she can have Binky only when she is on her bed. She knows she has to leave it there when she leaves her bed but you know, sometimes I just get to the end of my rope and nothing sounds better than Binky sucking and Finding Nemo (and the peace and quiet that comes with that) so I give in. --Ah man, it's only 10:00 in the morning. That was a short rope.

Another funny thing has to do with her mock snoring when she was watching Tom sleep (it was a post I did around Christmas time). Anyway, when she pretends she's sleeping she says "horseshoe," which means "hok shoo," which is the snoring sound.

She has finally started to like playing with babies. Until now she preferred animals, blocks, and even cars, but now she is kissing her baby and putting her to sleep (with a dog). She also puts her in her little shopping cart or stroller and they walk around. Love that she mimics me!

She has started to ask "where's ______?" But she says, "where," pause, "______?" She doesn't say the "r" very well so it's more like, "wheh baby?" or "wheh doggy?"

There's probably a bunch of other things I wanted to document but I can't think of anything right now... so check back for more Morganisms (unless they bore you, then check back for things that don't).

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