Sunday, July 17, 2011

Bunder Scary

A couple of nights ago there was a thunder storm sometime when everyone should have been sleeping. Unfortunately it woke Morgan up and since the monitor is on my side of the bed, I got the honor of getting up to go comfort her. When I walked in her room she was standing up. I asked her if she was scared of the thunder. She said, "bunder scary."

I took her downstairs to my bed (keep in mind that this is the middle of the night and I have no desire to be awake). She kept saying "bunder scary, bunder scary," so when we got t0 my bedroom door I told her she needed to be quiet because daddy was sleeping. She was for about .3 seconds and started yelling, "bunder scary, daddy," over and over until finally, knowing that he was no longer asleep, I told him to acknowledge what she was saying. He did and she kept saying it.

After an amount of time that was way too long and Morgan was still awake I told her she needed to go back to her room. The thunder was gone and she was more than happy to go to bed. Here's hoping for no more "bunder" storms in the middle of the night.

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