First is Morgan. We finally had her two year well baby exam and she has grown! She is now in the 25th percentile for both weight and height (until now she has been in the sub 10th in both). She talks so well that the doctor said to her, "I'm talking to you like I talk to a four year old because you talk so well." So it's not just her mom that is bias. She's brilliant! :)
She is forming sentences when she speaks. Today she was swimming in the pool and she threw a flower into the deeper part and said to me, "I can't reach it."
The sentence she says the most is, "Where's [insert word] go?" which I realize isn't correct, but it sure is cute.
We were at my parents' house last week to remodel their basement (see post on my new blog and we took a break for a 24th of July ward party and parade, which included the town fire truck. My mom had bonnets for the little girls to wear and told me to bring a pioneer dress for Morgan.
I was so busy working on my mom's house and Morgan was so patient with me most of the time. By the end of the trip she was a momma's girl, but she did very well. I appreciate her.
One last thing I want to remember was one of the last days late at night. She was downstairs with us and she asked, "where's mommy go?" I was right there and I said, "Morgan, where did mommy go?" And she replied, "mommy busy." It broke my heart and I took a break to be with her.
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