Camping... unless it includes room service and a private bathroom, I'm not a big fan (and haven't been since the 20th century). Problem: Tom likes camping. We have been 1 time since we've known each other and it was way before we had Morgan. Solution: ward camp out invitation -- accepted!
Here we are in the car. Great picture, right? My teeth are big, which reminds me that my friend's little brother used to say I had Mr. Wilson teeth from Dennis the Menace when he puts Chiclets in his dentures. I'm not complaining. I like my teeth. The picture just brought back a memory.

We camped somewhere in the mountains about an hour away and we were close to a river. Morgan couldn't resist getting in the water in her clothes.

Besides camping and all the comforts that come with that, I experienced the worst 5 minutes of my life when we didn't watch Morgan for like 30 seconds and she wandered off. We and half of the ward were running around the campground searching for her and yelling her name. Finally I found her in some bushes looking longingly at this swamp of child-drowning water. At least she was okay. Phew.
I love our ward and the people in it so I am glad we got to hang out with them. Maybe next time it could be just an evening thing.
I hate camping too!!! :)
i'm proud of you kel! If Tom needs to camp send him over to our yard, pitch a tent, roast marshmallows, & if you read a few posts ago of mine... I even pulled a twin mattress and heating blanket out to my tent! AWWWW now that is camping.
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