Tuesday, August 9, 2011

16 Years

(written yesterday)
That's how long it's been since I broke my neck. August 8, 1995 was the date. I don't know if it was "in memory of," but my arms were aching today. They get that way when they're cold and they ached for a long time after the accident. I know it seems weird that my arms would hurt, but I broke C5-6 and that is where the nerves for the arms come out of the spinal cord. I still can't do a normal push-up but I'm really blessed to be able to lift Morgan over my head to play with her. I'm blessed to be able to walk and run. It was such a close call (one millimeter, they said). I was almost a quadriplegic. And I'm not saying that people who are paralyzed are not blessed. When I was paralyzed and working so hard to be able to walk again, my goals changed. I went from needing to make the basketball team to focusing all my efforts on walking.  I was the same headstrong person with aspirations.  The focus just changed.  And when I hear people say they would rather die than be paralyzed, I say they are wrong.  Their focus would change and it would be hard, but the feeling of success and progress would be the same.


Michelle said...

kelli you are awesome! you should have told me yesterday at the waterpark and we could have celebrated your success since then. :) love ya!

The Knudsen Family said...

Wow that brings back such vivid memories. That will be a day that I never forget. I am so thankful that you were ok and you truly are blessed. We were all so blessed that really could have been anyone of us.

jamie @ [kreyv] said...

That is so amazing. I think attitude is everything, and your attitude has always been so positive! You are a great example to everyone!

ericksonzone said...

You are Amazing! I got goose bumps as I read this. And I totally agree with you!

Ogden Family said...

Oh Kelli... I had forgot about this. Thank Heavenly Father that your spinal cord was protected. It does put things in perspective when life gives us 2nd chances or learning opportunities. You are an amazing person and I am so grateful that we have been able to stay in touch.
Love you tons,

Amy said...

Kelli-I never knew that about you! You are amazing and always so happy and positive. I am sure this experience taught you so much. Thanks for sharing. It does remind us to have a positive attitude no matter what.