Morgan is learning so much and there are so many things that I want to write down. So here we go.
A couple of months ago her cousins were visiting from Oregon and their parents turned the tub on so they could take a bath then Mari came downstairs and Lenny stayed to watch the tub. Well, he went into the toilet room (you know, another room in the bathroom where the toilet is) for a minute. The kids were playing and Meg walked down the stairs to us and said, Morgan's in the tub. I ran to see what was going on and found Morgan fully dressed in the filling bathtub. She was soaking wet. Tragedy averted, thank goodness, and it ended up being pretty funny. It's amazing what happens in a minute.
We went to Mari's new house yesterday and as soon as we pulled up and Morgan saw the house she said, "Tanner." That's her cousin and she recognized that we were at his house. Today when we pulled into the church parking lot she said, "church." She does the same thing with our house and when she sees Walgreens she says, "caramel" because I used to bribe her with a caramel if she would not cry while we were there.
Tom took M out during church today because she can't grasp what it means to "whisper." They went into the empty nursery and M found a fireman's hat, put it on and said "fire." Might not be the most incredible thing, but we don't go around talking about firemen... ever.
I wanted to take some pictures of her on the piano but she didn't want to. When we looked through the pictures afterward, she looked at this one and said, "cry." Yes Morgan, and I wish you wouldn't cry so much when I want to take pictures of you.
Yesterday Tom and M were waiting in the car while I went shopping and Tom asked her if she wanted to sing the ABC's. She said, "no." Then he asked her if she wanted to count. She said, "no." So he asked her if she wanted to call Nana on the phone and she did. Tom told her to say hi to Nana so she said, "hi." Then she put the phone to her stuffed doggy's ear and said, "say hi."
We were taking a family walk to the park and the shoes that she wanted to wear were water shoes that are way too big for her. I let her wear them anyway (and she had on a dress). She started running across the street and tripped on the stupid shoes and skinned her knees. She cried and we went back home to put on some pants and shoes that fit better then started walking to the park again. I kid you not, we were at the same place and she started running and tripped and fell again. Luckily it wasn't so bad with the pants on but she laid there and said, "hurts" (sounds like, hoo-uts).
She says, "careful" (silent "r" and "ful" is more "fo") all the time (like while she's walking down the stairs or climbing on things). A while ago I heard her saying "careful" while she was upstairs and I was downstairs. She kept saying it so I went up to see what was going on. She was on my computer chair, holding onto the computer desk. The chair had rolled backward so she was basically doing a plank three feet in the air. Good thing she has great core muscles.
She is such a cute little girl. That is so fun when they start saying more things. Before long she will really be talking you ear off.
hahah GOOD thing for those core muscles!
thats hilarious. love that girl!
Cute, cute, cute!
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