Last night I get a call from Tom, who's supposed to be on a flight from Atlanta to Denver. "My plane is delayed but I should still be able to catch the connecting flight home." No problem. I get another phone call later saying that the Denver to Boise flight left without him and he wouldn't be home until tomorrow (my birthday!). Okay, still not a huge deal, but I had to cancel my running plans at 8:00 because I wasn't going to take Morgan that early in the morning on one of the coldest April 29ths in history (anywhere). I still could go get my drivers license, lunch, pedicure and dinner.
So Morgan and I picked Tom up at 11:15, went to Tucanos for lunch, then to the DMV. I got the second question on the test wrong so there I was at question number 3 and 50% wrong -- not a good way to start since I'd already not passed the test once (embarrassing, I know). However, I did finish and only missed five (with a seven limit) so I was able to get a new license (good thing too... my UT one expired today). So I paid my dues and went to the blue wall to get my picture taken. I had previously spent an hour getting ready and when I looked in the mirror I thought I looked pretty darn great. Unfortunately the camera didn't think so. The lighting was off and my hair looks like I have a really bad dye job (which isn't true--I have a really good one!).
After the DMV, Tom told me that he had to work. That meant I got to babysit, which meant no pedicure. I was totally bummed. First no exercise then no pedicure... and spending an hour at the DMV wasn't exactly fun. So I stayed home with Morgan for a few hours wallowing in self pity until I decided to take her to the movie. On the way I called my superfriend, Sarah and cried to her (real self pity tears, you know) and felt better when we got to the movie. We went to Rio (which I was expecting to be about a dog -- don't ask me why -- but it was about a bird and birds freak me out so I was okay with leaving after 20 minutes of trying to get Morgan to sit and pay attention). I think it probably would have been a fun movie, but my little girl wasn't cooperating.
We went back home and Tom came out to talk to me but I just started crying again because my day wasn't turning into my Royal day like I wanted it to. Then he felt bad and took Morgan to buy me a present (yeah, we don't really plan ahead with gifts in the Rich household). While they were gone I decided to go running to get the endorphins flowing so I would stop with the self pity. Tom and Morgan got home just after me and Tom surprised me with a mani-pedi tomorrow at the most expensive salon in the county, which I made him cancel (with more tears) and get refunded because 1) I am totally fine paying $25 to the Vietnamese ladies down the street and I'd rather spend the rest of the money on a new wardrobe for him, and 2) because I know he only bought it because he felt bad because I was feeling sorry for myself.
To end the day we were going to go out to eat with our friends but there was a miscommunication about the babysitter so at 5:30 we didn't have one and I was crying again because we couldn't go out to eat (it's totally irrational, I know, but it's MY day -- any other day this would not have been an issue). So Tom and I started calling around and we finally found a girl that could babysit last minute for us and we went out with our friends. It was a great dinner and a positive way to end the day. However, I made Tom wait to give me a present until tomorrow when I'm celebrating 31 with a pedicure.