Monday, April 5, 2010

April Fools or Just a Bad Wife?

This year for my April Fools joke on Tom I put this on our bed for him to find when he got home...

This is what was inside...

No kidding, when Tom saw it he dropped to his knees and started hyperventilating. I couldn't keep the joke going (especially since this was not the first April Fools where I told him I was pregnant) but I had to use the positive pregnancy test that I found while going through boxes from the old house (this was one that I took while pregnant with Morgan).


Susanna said...

Good One! So did Tom get even?

Kelli @ The Loss Cause said...

No (at least not yet), he didn't play any tricks on me. I'll call it even though since I felt guilty after.

Britney said...

Good one, Kell! I was thinking of doing the same thing to Greg, but was gonna have my sis-in-law, who is very pregnant, pee on it for me ;). Then I decided against it since I thought it might be kinda rude...with us not having insurance and all.

Amber said...

haha.... very funny.