Monday, November 30, 2009

New Moon

Yes, I am one of the die-hard Twilight freak fans that went to the Midnight showing of New Moon. I even had some tattoos that I got with the book and put them on my neck and wrist. The wrist says "Edward" because I definitely belong to "Team Edward."

The other crazies with me are Nicole, Angela and Collette. We were also there with Amber and Sandi but they weren't there for the pic. Angela, Sandi and I played basketball from 9 to 10:15 and then met Collette and Nicole in line. Collette got there around 9:30 and was at the front! Yeah, Collette!

It was a good time and the movie was so much better than the first one.

1 comment:

Amber said...

what??!! i think the first one is way better :)