Sunday, September 20, 2009

Banana Eater

This is Morgan's new favorite way to sit in her Bumbo. No matter how often I turn her, she ends up like this.

Morgan ate a banana for the first time today and LOVED it. She cried when we would take it away and then be uber happy when we'd give it back, so of course we did that a few times. The cool thing she is sucking on is a net that holds food in it so kids don't choke.

She has been pulling her Binky out of her mouth and holding or playing with it lately. She fell asleep with it in her hand.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Do You Remember Where You Were?

Since it is the 8th anniversary of September 11, 2001, I'd like to know what everyone was doing when they found out about the terrorist attacks.

I was on my mission in Washington DC. We were in Kensington, Maryland at the stake center near the temple having a zone conference. Our guest speaker was late. We must have started around 8:30. He finally arrived a little after 9am. He got up to speak at the pulpit and said, "when you leave here today, the world will be a different place." In all my naivety I thought, "alright! Go missionaries!"

He went on to explain that two planes had just hit the twin towers. I couldn't grasp if he was telling a parable or the truth and if it was the truth, what did that mean. Well, it turns out that he was telling the truth and I learned a year and a half later what really happened since we weren't allowed to watch TV or read newspapers.

It wasn't until we went to the Smithsonian at the end of 2002 and they had a September 11th display that I watched any footage.

I'd love comments on where you were. Thanks.

Whole Wheat Cereal... Yum!

Morgan gets to eat solids. This is her first try. It happened earlier today. Good job big girl!

End of Softball Season

For the second year I got to play on the Academy Mortgage summer softball team. My former boss invited me to play last year and I remained on the team. I used to be pretty good at softball when I was in high school. I'm not anymore, much to the dismay of my team.
Last night was our last game. It was also the first game I played without having Morgan there with me. I did exponentially better without her distraction. Thanks to Tom for babysitting.

This season we won 4, lost 3, and tied 1. It was a fun season.

Me and Cathy




Ron, Wendy, and Adam

Good Job Academy Mortgage!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pictures of Morgan in Green Bay

Look at this hair...
...And this hair.

She likes to sit resting her arms on the side of her carseat.
Quite the queen on her throne.

Practicing sitting. We still have a way to go.

She sucks on anything she can. She was caught sucking on my arm.

Taylor is holding Morgan while Lily shares her dolly.
Swinging with mommy.
Lily and Morgan

Morgan and daddy
Calming down after a hard cry.

During that hard cry.

Green Bay, Wisconsin

Last weekend we went to visit Tom's dad and brother in Green Bay. This was Morgan's third trip flying, and she did great again. We had a long layover in Minnesota so our total travel time was around 8 hours to get there and about the same back home.

We hung out and visited for the first couple of days. Of course we went out to eat a lot. We went to Texas Roadhouse for Shell's birthday and that's when I decided I needed to buy a new camera. I had left mine home because it is big and bulky so we went to Best Buy and got a sleek little phone-sized Cannon with HD video and a hand full of other totally necessary electronic options that I may never use.

Robb and Shell gave us lots of hand-me-down clothes and a Johnny Jumper that Lily used when she was a baby. Morgan is still a tad small, but she'll soon catch on to the jumping fun.

On Sunday we went to a couple of hours of church, then to Robb and Shell's for dinner. Shell made a super delicious pork dish for which I need to get the recipe. Then we went outside and talked around the fire pit while Tom and Robb played guitar.

Monday was Labor Day so we went to a county fair about an hour outside of Green Bay. It was super cool. I'm from the country so it shouldn't have been as neat as it was, but I was so amazed at how big the cows were. I had to get my picture with one. Look at this thing! It's as tall as I am. They don't come like that where I'm from.

I tasted my first funnel cake. I heard that it is un-American to have never tried a funnel cake. If you've never had one, it is cake batter poured through a funnel into a boiling hot pan of grease, cooked until golden brown, then covered with your topping of choice. I chose Bavarian cream and chocolate. It was very yummy but made me gag at the same time. I attribute the gagging to all of the grease that filled my mouth when I bit down on the cake.

One day last month I mentioned to Tom how obvious the blood veins are in my "milkers" (to be discreet). When we were walking down the cow isle at the fair, Tom pointed out this cow and said, "honey, you don't have a problem."

After the fair, Tom's dad and step mom took us to a Chinese buffet. It was very nice of them but I was still gagging a little from the greasy funnel cake. This is a picture of Robb and Lily.

The day we left, we took Ralph, Robb and Shell to dinner. We were going to take them for sushi but, much to Tom's dismay, the sushi place didn't open until 4 and it was 1 when we went. We ended up eating Mexican. Morgan tried the lemon. I think she liked it.

We said our goodbyes and drove to the airport. We had another layover in MN so I had Tom and Morgan pose for this picture.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

4 Month Stats

Morgan had her 4 month doctor appointment today. She started crying as soon as the nurse entered the room. She has the cutest little lip pout that it was almost as hard for the nurse give the shots as it was for me to watch. Morgan did as well as could be expected, I guess. Then she wanted to be held the rest of the day. I'm okay with that.

She weighs 12 pounds, which is still in the 25th percentile for weight. She is 24 inches long and has grown to the 50th percentile. She's also in the 50th for head circumference.

Another big thing was that it was Morgan's first time to go to the daycare at the gym. I think it was harder for me than for her. The nice thing is that the gym has video cameras in the daycare area so while doing the elliptical I could watch her on channel 75. She did really well. She slept for most of the hour then woke up happy.