Thursday, August 26, 2010

Prison Visit

A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to go with some friends to Solitude to stay in a condo for a couple of nights. Tom had to work so we decided to take Morgan to my mom's house for her first sleepover at grandma's without mom. She did great! She didn't even cry when I left her in their car with them. It was a fun break for me and fun for my family to have Morgan to themselves.

They took Morgan to Idaho on Saturday and I came back separately. They stayed for a few days and we got to do some fun things.
The first night we roasted marshmallows in our back yard and made s'mores. That's my kind of camping, by the way.On Monday we had lunch at Donnie Mac's Trailer Park Cuisine where I ordered Morgan her first root beer. I had it all planned out that we would never order mac and cheese, chicken nuggets or soda for her at a restaurant but guess what we ordered for her... mac and cheese and root beer.After lunch we went to the Old State Penitentiary where prisoners were housed from the 1800's to the 1970's. It was interesting and I'm glad we went while we live here.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


  • Each new phase with Morgan is better than the last. Her personality is really developing and I think she is going to be quite the girly girl. She loves pretending to put on makeup and to brush her hair.
  • She did her hair in this picture (put the headband in). I was very proud.
  • We have been reading books to help her learn what the names of things are. In one of them there is a red apple. Well, one morning when Tom was packing an apple for lunch, Morgan saw him and said, "bapple." Tom was so proud of her that he rewarded her with the apple, which she munched on all day and ended up eating about half of it.
  • She is a picky eater right now but when she finds something she likes, she wants to get everything on the plate. I think this one happened to be hot dog juice and grease. Mmmm.
  • I bought an episode of Barney at a garage sale and she LOVES it. Whenever I ask her if she wants to watch Barney she smiles and squeals (I never thought I would watch Barney but when it makes her so excited I can't help it). In this picture she decided she wanted to relax in the pillows to watch her show.
  • Yesterday I took her to my exercise class and she watched us do sprints after the teacher said "ready, set, go." Later in the day we watched her say "ray, se, go" and start running. It was so so cute. She also says "go" when she wants me to spray her with water, swing while we're walking, or pretty much anything else fun.
  • I love getting hugs from this little girl. When we ask for a hug a lot of times she will say, "mmmm," and rest her head on our shoulder. Sometimes she surprises us with hugs from the back while we are sitting down. She will come up behind us and put her arms around us.
  • She can make sounds for animals. Cow - boo, sometimes moo. Horse - neigh, neigh, neigh. Kitty cat - meow. Dog - she puts her tongue down her chin and starts panting.
  • She smells things. When we smell the lavender bushes in our front yard she sniffs and says, "mmmm," like it smells really good.
  • She also says "mmmm" when she tastes something really yummy.
  • Lately she has been taking the best naps. Until now they were about 45 minutes, twice a day. Now she'll sometimes take two two hour naps. Yesterday she took one long 3 to 4 hour nap. It is wonderful!
  • She almost always sleeps through the night and when she doesn't it is usually because she lost her Binky so one of us will go to her room and put it back in her mouth. One night I couldn't find it so I picked her up and said, "where's your Binky?" She just said, "ginky."

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Lets Go To The Movies

There is a movie theater around here that plays PG movies on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings at 10 AM for free so we went one day to see Jimmy Neutron.
This is Morgan for the first twenty minutes. Then she decided she wanted to explore so she took off down our row and tried to drink another kid's drink. I took her to the bottom of the stairs and she climbed to the top. I got tired of trying to watch a movie I didn't want to watch so we went to the park instead.
We both had a lot more fun. Morgan is not afraid to go down the slide by herself and she loves the swings too.

It's Always Fun When Nana Comes

We had so much fun when Nana came for the weekend at the end of July. We went to downtown Boise to try to go to a Basque festival. After an hour of walking around where it was supposed to be, someone told us that it was at the fair grounds that day but was at the place downtown for the rest of the week. We went to the fairgrounds, paid $5 each, then realized that the lines for food were so long we would starve if we didn't die of heat exhaustion first so we got our money back and went to the Mexican restaurant across the street.
I only took a couple of pictures but we had fun swimming, talking and shopping. Nana helped us pick out a coffee table for our sitting room.

Morgan loved having her here (so did Tom and I) and we can't wait until next time.
Someone asked me if it's degrading to have my kid on a leash. To which I answered that I'd rather have a kid on a leash than a kid running in the street and hit by a car or kidnapped. She doesn't want to be held all the time and it gives her some freedom.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Still Alive

I bet you all think I'm dead after the last post. Well you can stop worrying. I'm not. I'm actually a little embarrassed to say that I just had a stupid UTI but it wiped me out. I really wondered if I was going to die. Anyway, again, I'm not. I'm all better and I will be posting some things to make up for the time I didn't.