Alyssa tagged me on Facebook so I actually did the tag and decided I better post it here too.
Rules:Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you (but I also get it if you don't like to do this, because I don't usually either!)
1. I won't borrow money for anything except a house but I work as a loan officer for a finance company and give numerous loans every week.
2. I love the smell of bar-b-ques because it reminds me of Summer but I don't like the taste of meat cooked on the bar-b-que.
3. I love working out... especially running.
4. I love when my house is clean but hate cleaning.
5. I have a little sister that is 20 years younger than me. Same parents.
6. When I was little I wanted to be an actress. Candace Cameron was my idol.
7. I love seeing the world and getting stamps on my passport.
8. My husband proposed to me while cruising the Mediterranean.
9. The longest I ever had a boyfriend was for five months and it wasn't my husband.
10. I have a goal to read one non fiction book a month and did really well last year.
11. I like reading/watching shows about serial killers and the minds of psychotic people.
12. I freak out when I see spiders or mice.
13. After I broke my neck and was released from the hospital, my story was on the front of one of the sections of the Daily Herold... in color.
14. I have been sky diving and bungee jumping.
15. I took piano lessons for 8 years but didn't practice like I should have so I'm not very good at playing.
16. Right now (because I'm pregnant) I can't run or walk very fast because my sciatic nerve is being pinched and it is the worst pain I've ever been in (besides the broken neck). However, I'd rather be in pain than nauseated.
17. I don't like spending money because I love watching my bank account grow.
18. My husband and I live on about 40% of our income because we are both so frugal. For me it must come from being a country girl and money being tight. I don't know why Tom is.
19. One of my biggest regrets is being so mean to my little brother when we were young. Sorry bro.
20. I never snuck out of the house while I was a teenager -- probably because there was nowhere to go if I did.
21. My husband and I call chin hairs on girls "Ida's" because of this sweet old lady in my parents' ward that has a beard. Her name is Ida.
22. I have a goal to only let my kids watch one hour of TV per day. Now that it's in writing I have to follow through.
23. I ran the St. George marathon in 3 hours 49 minutes and 49 seconds. I qualified for the Boston marathon by 11 seconds.
24. I did not vote for Obama and vehemently oppose socialism. Health care is not a right but I do have a right to bear arms.
25. I wrote a fiction novel last year about a girl in South Carolina. It has about 200 pages. I'd like to try to publish it, not for money (unless it made money), but to have a book with my name on it.
4 weeks ago
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