Last week I tried to potty train my big 2-year-old. I had to pump myself up for weeks for this. In fact, I wouldn't have even attempted it if it wasn't for the Disney cruise that we're taking in November. The kids have to be potty trained in order to go to the fun kid play land and her cousins will be going.
So I bought some undies and let her pick the ones she wanted to wear. Not surprisingly we went through each one of these... some more than once.
I had my laptop ready with movies (thank you Netflix!). I had crayons, coloring books, books, juice, and popsicles. I was ready to go. The problem is that I absolutely HATE staying in one place all day. Seriously, this is more "training" for me than her.
And it wouldn't have been so bad but his girl can hold it! She would wake up with a dry diaper and not go for another two hours. How? I have no idea. I go at least three times between hers. So we sat there... and sat there. I have All Dogs Go To Heaven memorized! Yep, that's the movie she wanted to watch. "Charlie," as she calls it. Finally at the end of the movie her little potty cheer alarm would go off because she went. That was the first day. The second day was similar. The third day I decided I couldn't stand that room anymore and we took the potty to the living room. This is where all Hell broke loose (in my head). She pooped once and peed twice on the carpet. Don't tell the landlord! I thought by then she would understand what it feels like and tell me when she needed to go. Nope.
She peed on top of the potty when she used it as a stool.
And she peed on me. Mmmm.
So, I threw in the towel (okay, lots of them in the washer) and we're waiting a few days weeks months years until we are both more ready. Hopefully it happens before the cruise.
Some other things in the life of this amazing little girl:
Her latest obsession is mommy's shoes. She especially LOVES these pink ones (who wouldn't really?) and would walk around in them all day if I let her.
Morgan doesn't love looking at the camera when we take pictures of her but when we tell her to smile, she'll say, "smile!" I guess she's confusing doing with saying. Or maybe she's just tired of us wanting to take her picture all the time.
She gives me lots and lots of kisses then wipes them off and says, "yuck." No idea where she learned it.
Sometimes when she's feeling extra lovey she'll kiss my hand or give me a hug and tell me she loves me. That. Melts. My. Heart.
She doesn't like to say the prayer very often but sometimes when she's in the bathtub she grabs the faucet and pretends it is a microphone and says, "Dear, Heavenly Father. Thankful for this day." I'm not sure if you could understand what she's saying, but her mom and dad sure know.
Speaking of microphones. One day at church we were out in the hall walking and she went into the empty primary room. She stood on the stool in front of the mic. I expected her to say, "Dear, Heavenly Father..." but instead she broke out in, "Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O." Hil-stinking-larious!
She loves her hand-me-down Barbie. My twin cousins had one they didn't want and gave it to her when they were playing one day. She absolutely loves it. Her dad took her swimming tonight and she HAD to take the Barbie. She would bend down so Barbie could "walk" with her feet on the ground. Then they would both jump in the water to daddy.
Gosh I love her.