Wednesday, April 22 - Signed documents for purchase of new house.
Thursday, April 23 - Started moving boxes to new house. My boss, Cathy, and her family helped. Saw Monsters VS Aliens in 3D.
Friday, April 24 -
8:28 am - got up and went to bathroom for probably 5th time that morning.
8:29 - washed hands.
8:30 - water broke and dripped down legs. Told Tom and we stared at each other until 8:32.
8:32 - called my mom.
8:33 - took a shower.
8:40 - got dressed.
8:45 - blow dried and straightened hair.
9:00 - packed bag for hospital.
9:25 - went to new house to pick up car seat base that was moved the night before.
9:40 - went to McDonald's to get a fruit and yogurt parfait because we were told I should eat before going to hospital because I would get no food during labor.
9:41 - first strong contraction hit.
10:00 - arrived at St. Luke's Downtown Boise hospital and parked our car in "no parking."
10:01 - valet asked if we need car parked. Gave him keys.
10:03 - signed in at front desk of labor and delivery.
10:15 - got checked by nurse and hooked up to fetal monitors in triage room.
11:00 - got my own delivery room.

11:01 - asked for epidural.
12:00pm - started crying tears of pain because hadn't received epidural but was dilated to a 6 and 100% effaced.
12:01 - Tom left room to make someone give me an epidural.
12:30 - anaesthesiologist arrived to give epidural.
12:40 - felt really good.

1:45 - started pushing.
3:52 - felt her head with my hand.
3:54 - Morgan was born.
I absolutely love this picture. She is so cute!
She weighed 6 pounds 1 ounce and was 19 inches long. Her hair was light brown/silver with blond roots.

Today she is a week old and has captured her daddy's heart. Tom is so good with her. He's such a good dad and has found a new definition of love.
Alright, back to the timeline...
3:57 - got stitched up because I tore.
4:44 - tried to pee but couldn't.
4:45 - my parents, Jackson and
Shyanne arrived.

5:15 - tried nursing with help of RN.
5:30 - overflowed the bag for a urine catheter.
5:35 - went to my room in the maternity ward.
8:30 - still couldn't pee so overflowed another bag while being cathed (I drink a lot). Sometime before midnight I finally was able to go so I didn't have to have a permanent catheter for my entire stay.
Saturday, April 25 - I spent the day with Morgan in the hospital while Tom, Robb (his bro from Green Bay who flew out around midnight to help), Adam, Dana (other brother and wife), my family, and a bunch of our awesome friends around Boise moved everything from our rental to our new house. It was so great. I had hired a couple of young women to clean the house first and they did on Friday. Then Cathy (my boss) arranged for the carpet cleaners and movers to help with the big stuff. I am so grateful and overwhelmed by the kindness and help that everyone has given to us during this time. I hope that we can repay all of you or at least pay it forward. Thank you!
Sunday, April 26 - Morgan and I came home to our new house. Adam and Dana went back to Salt Lake.
Monday, April 27 - Grandpa Doug, Aunt Shyanne and Uncle Jackson went home to Utah. My mom stayed, thank goodness. I couldn't have gone through this week with the fraction of sanity that I have without her. Robb took amazing pictures of Morgan (which I will be posting soon). Organized some things in the house.
Tuesday, April 28 - Robb left. Organized some things in the house. Went to American General to have my baby shower that was previously planned and introduced Morgan to my friends there.
Wednesday, April 29 - My birthday. Went out to eat at Pad Thai. Organized some things in the house.
Thursday, April 30 - Took Morgan to her doctor appointment. Everything is perfect except that she weighs 5 pounds 11 ounces. That was her weight when she left the hospital so the doctor wants to see her on Monday to make sure she is gaining. Organized some things in the house.
Now here we are. I am typing this while Morgan is in her bassinet. I'm trying to get her accustomed to it so she will sleep there during the night. I have a hard time putting her down at night. I just want to hold and cuddle her. I love her so much.
Thank you all who called/texted/wrote on facebook. I appreciate all the support and love you have shown us.