I know that when you are old enough to read and understand this you won't be exactly the same as you are now but I want to write to you and tell you some things.
You have been doing really well in school but there was an incident a couple of weeks ago that has been bothering you. You're too young to really explain it to us. Apparently your class was gluing sunflower seeds to a paper and you ate one of the shells. I don't know if it scratched your throat and hurt you or if you got in trouble/were told not to do it but you started crying and felt really sad. Your teacher told me about it after class and I didn't think it was a problem. Now I think there is something bothering you. You don't want to go to school and you cry telling me that you don't want to go. The other day I promised you that I wouldn't leave until you wanted me to.
When we got to school I stayed in your classroom with you and watched you write your name. You are doing so well. You are one of the youngest in your class so some kids are more experienced but I'm not concerned at all. You'll catch up soon enough. You were excited to show me your work. I love that you take pride in your school work.
I had to feed Sophie so I left the room for about fifteen minutes (you were okay with that) and when I got back you were crying because you thought I left you. I would never do that because I promised you I would stay. I don't break my promises. I went back in and you were so happy to see me.
I watched you for a while longer and you were never ready for me to leave. You participated in group songs, marching, the Hokey Pokey, and activities to learn about the letter "b." Every couple of minutes you would look at me and smile and wave because you were happy to see me and proud that I am your mommy. I am so proud of you. I am proud to be your mommy and my heart smiles when you do.
You still weren't ready for me to go but Sophie was starting to cry so it was okay with you that I took her out to the foyer and got her to go to sleep. I waited out there until class was over and went back to get you. You were happy to see me again. You yelled, "mommy!" like you always do and ran to me. I gave you a hug and told you to go say bye to Mrs. Evans and get some hand sanitizer (like I always do). When you came back to me I reminded you that we were going to play at the McDonald's play place with Brinklee and Bristol and you were so excited you had to run back and tell Mrs Evans. I love that excitement. I love that you tell people things that are exciting to you.
You are my joy, Mo. You are the best thing that I have ever been a part of and I am so thankful for that and for you. Thank you for being my little girl.
5 weeks ago