Thursday, October 28, 2010


I love the guts out of this little girl. She cracks me up and reminds me of... me! When I was little I was grossed out by hairs that were not attached to a body -- like I'd scream for my mom to get a hair off me when I was in the shower and the hair was on my hand. Instead of screaming, when Morgan finds a hair she brings it to me and says "chay-choo," which translates to "thank you."

She loves helping me unload the dishwasher, the silverware being her expertise. She hands them to me one at a time and says "chay-choo" with each one.

We signed up this summer to receive a weekly half share of crop from a local farmer (which I'm super glad is over -- you wouldn't believe how hard it is to remember that it's Tuesday night and you have to pick up your bag). Anyway, the last week they had a pumpkin patch for us to pick out a pumpkin. Tom picked ours out so M and I took pictures.

It might look like she has jaundice in this picture but actually this is what happens when I let her feed herself Spaghetti O's.

Tom's going to be mad at this because he doesn't like her to play in the drawers but I thought it was amusing.

1 comment:

The Knudsen Family said...

What cute new pictures. That is so funny that she brings you hairs and say thank you. I totally remember how you were that way with hair. Too funny she is the same.